Friday, August 16, 2019

Ninad has got a place for piano lesson

Ninad is very interested in music. From his very early age, If somebody sings or plays any instrument he is listening to it with great attention. Noticing his interest in music we enrolled him in municipality music institute last year. He has been going there for a year now and he was liking it. It is very basic for young children to habituate them with music. It helped him to catch different song tune easily.

Since he has been liking music we thought how about an instrument. We talked with her music teacher and she said it's a bit early for him but he can try this year for some instrument if he wants. By this time, we managed to get a second hand acoustic piano last summer with the help of two of my friends - Mohsin and Saad. Since we had this piano in our home we sometimes play without knowing anything :-P Ninad also does the same. So, we thought why not let him learn piano. As a result, he appeared in a test in June this year to enroll in individual piano lesson. Unfortunately he could not make it. Most of the kids are 6 or 7 years old and Ninad is 5 and there were quite many interested children. Needless to say Piano is the most demanding instrument here. Ninad was in waiting list. Just two days ago the piano teacher called and said that one place got empty and if we want Ninad can join the lesson already this year. We agreed right away :-)

We are so happy that Ninad could get in to Piano lesson in Kirkkonummi municipality music school. I heard that these music schools are quite good while being very cheap compared to private ones. From next week he is going to piano lesson once a week. Let's see how it goes :-)

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